The Shocking Evolution of Cups & Panties (Menstruation Marketing Part 2)
In Part 1 of Menstruation Marketing, I shared the outrageous *really though* history of pads and tampons. The second period revolution is also incredibly startling and needed its own episode. While there was a big shift to tampons in the 1980s and 1990s, it’s not until recently that menstrual cups and period undies have become truly visible in the market. Why is this?!
Grab your favorite cup (of coffee? Or hey, other kind of cup) and join me for learning:
How an invention 150 years is ago is only NOW showing up for women
The surprising role an American actress played in a now-modern period invention
The bonkers, hilarious theory an ancient philosopher had on how to “stop menses” *it involves your boobs*
What tactics menstrual cup companies are using to overcome objections *and stand out from competitors*
The *honest* way I first heard about menstrual cups
Why Thinx is not the only period panties brand yet most people know their brand above anyone else
How brands with period panties are thinking outside the box with other related products *and how to do the same with YOUR business*
A controversial marketing campaign nearly banned by NYC Transport in 2015
Shocking scandal around a massive company I had no idea happened
The hysterical way I FINALLY tried menstrual cups *involves a SF Target*
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