How a Powerhouse Perfectionist STOPPED People Pleasing

PODCAST - Nancy Levin Brand with Bite

PODCAST - Nancy Levin Brand with Bite

PODCAST - Nancy Levin Brand with Bite

If you think of yourself as a people pleaser or perfectionist, this is a MUST listen. I’m not kidding. In merely days, this life coach & best selling author helped rewire my brain to finally set boundaries and say no with greater ease. 

Nancy Levin’s methods (featured in her book “Setting Boundaries will Set You Free”) are unlike ANYTHING I’d ever heard and are life-changing if you find it hard to say no or put everyone else first. 

Nancy appeared to be a confident high performer with “it all together”. But she opens up about the true reason she was obsessed with perfectionism and why it was a huge flaw. She overcame burn out and started a life coach business where she ended up: 

  • Leaving her 1st marriage (and why that was so traumatic)

  • Letting go of “perfect” and learning to delegate - even though that felt impossible

  • Writing 5 books and becoming a best-selling author

  • Starting her own certification program where she now has a membership, group coaching AND private coaching

You are going to learn SO MUCH from this episode it’s unreal. Get on your no-more-people-pleasing pants and hear: 

  • How Nancy appeared a powerhouse at work but a doormat in her 1st marriage (+ finding strength to leave)

  • The real reason Nancy was obsessed with being a “perfectionist” (that’s likely true for YOU)

  • A life-changing concept in the book that I can’t shut up about - and I asked Nancy to dive deeper into

  • How Nancy went from Event Director at a huge company to a life coach + best selling author

  • The #1 way Nancy got coaching clients from the very start, without a big audience that ANYONE can do

  • Sneaky pitches Nancy made early on that led to big results and clients later

  • How to delegate and outsource, even if terrifying

  • At what point EVERY entrepreneur needs to hire a VA

  • The exact types of VAs and team members Nancy has now + her approach to hiring

  • How she created a program that certifies other coaches

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Nancy Levin Website

Instagram: @nancy_levin

Book: Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free

I would be so honored for 2 minutes *if this resonated* if you’d PLEASE: 

  • Share the episode and your feelings on it via Instagram *tag @allisonevelyn_*

  • Post a review here so we can keep bringing more real, screw the fake fluff content


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