Did hat makers actually “go mad”? (Real History vs. Alice in Wonderland)

The term “mad hatter” was NEVER in the book Alice in Wonderland, so QUESTION: Why was there an “odd” hat maker in this famous book and the phrase still known today “mad as a hatter”? 

Because there was a phenomenon at the time that was really startling.

Lewis Caroll (a pen name), author of Alice in Wonderland, did NOT invent the mad hatter concept. 

There was a real pandemic for hat makers in multiple areas of the globe that started decades before this book was published, that most modern people have never heard of. It was a mystery for decades on what was happening that was finally solved and laws came into place to protect. 

After research I was shocked by myself, I am now revealing:

  • For decades, NO ONE knew why hat makers experienced mental health and nervous system breakdowns, while shoemakers and other tradesmen did not

  • Traits Alice in Wonderland’s hatter you never knew about + who he’s actually based on

  • What horrifying phenomenon happened to the city in America dubbed “the hat capital in the world”

  • Finally, humans discovering WHAT was causing the problems for hat makers (+ the depth of the symptoms)

  • What law in 1941 finally halted this hatmaker condition

  • The shocking way a hat maker was directly linked to Lincoln’s assassination (NOT in how you think)

  • Why I’m sharing this historical phenomenon specifically NOW during Covid 19 and the hope it can bring us

I would be so honored for 2 minutes *if this resonated* if you’d PLEASE: 

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